POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Can this be done? :) sor-lathe type question : Re: Can this be done? :) sor-lathe type question Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:42:02 EST (-0500)
  Re: Can this be done? :) sor-lathe type question  
From: Margus Ramst
Date: 9 Sep 2000 21:27:36
Message: <39BAD564.C12B7C40@peak.edu.ee>
Todd Taylor wrote:
>   /* I would like to rotate the object below by 360 degrees around an axis,
> (say, the z-axis),
> to get a bowl-like rotated object.  Is this possible?  Please help.  TIA.

The lathe object creates a surface of revolution, so using your spline in a
lathe should do what you need.
If you want to make a radial array of copies of the actual prism object, use a
while loop. Something like:

#declare MyPrism = prism{...}
#declare Count = 0;
#declare Number = 20; //Number of copies to create
#while(Count < Number)
    object{MyPrism rotate <360 / Number * Count, 0, 0>}
    #declare Count = Count + 1;

Margus Ramst

Personal e-mail: mar### [at] peakeduee
TAG (Team Assistance Group) e-mail: mar### [at] tagpovrayorg

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